Surface Mounted Device resistors, also known as SMD resistors are used by millions of electronic equipment manufacturers. These manufacturing firms range from cell phones and MP3 Players and televisions to computer accessories like CPU, Monitor, and much more. Furthermore, the inductor kit which comprises of SMD resistor kit as well is largely used in communication equipment for commercial use to research equipment's.
The SMD resistor kit is so well designed that it has replaced the through-hole technology which has been traditionally used by drilling holes in the circuit board. Surface Mounted Device is largely used for applications like power supply, generators, and power converters.
Let us have a quick glance at what are some of the basics that you must know and learn about the SMD Resistor Kit.
SMD resistors are constructed in the rectangular shape, with metaled chip resistor areas at both ends of the body. This greatly enables the resistors to make contact with the printed circuit board with the help of solder.
The resistor is comprised of a ceramic substance. Onto this ceramic substance, a metal oxide film is deposited. The thickness of the film and the length of this film is mainly responsible for the resistance. In other words, the resistance is dependent on the thickness and length of the film. Because SMD resistor kits are manufactured with the help of metal oxide coated resistors, they are famous for being stable. Also, they have good tolerance power that helps them to stay in the long run.
Confused about the ceramic substance?
Well, the ceramic material which is the base of the SMD resistor is made of a high alumina ceramic element. This helps the resulting block that helps to settle down the resistive metal oxide element.
Along with this, the contact between the resistive element with the chip resistor should be good and reliable so as to provide high-levels of solder-ability. This is achieved by the internal connection with a nickel-based layer. For more solderability, the outer layer is connected to the tin-based layer.
Why SMD Resistors?
Some advantages of SMD resistor kits are:
1. Higher component density - Higher component density means there are more connections per component in SMD technique.
2. Lower initial cost - The initial cost to set up the inductor kit along with the resistor kit is low as compared to the through-hole technique that is used for the manufacturing of circuit boards.
3. Simple automated assembly - Automated assembly means faster computation time so helps in getting quick results.
4. Detection of small errors - With SMD resistors kit, you will be able to detect the small error(s) easily that can/will occur while placing the component.
5. Delivers better mechanical performance for shaking and vibrating conditions.
6. Suitable for high volume production - SMD /SMT is suitable for lower cost of unit assemblies which is not possible otherwise through the through-hole technology.
Not only this much! SMD resistors are used in most of the designs! Their compact size is really helpful for small, medium and large-sized circuit boards and automatic assembly techniques! SMD resistors can perform well with radio frequencies. Their small and compact size means that they can dissipate low levels of power with low level of inductance and capacitance. In other words, increase the efficiency of the inductor kit.
Though the price is the deciding factor that rules everywhere, one should carefully choose the options before narrowing down their service provider. Every new technology would bring some challenges with it and so does the Surface Mounted Technology (SMT)/SMD.
Now it is upon you to decide whether you wish to go with through-hole technique or SMD/SMT.